SAS Provider Admin Page
SAS Provider Practice Statement
To ensure the SAS Small Group Program is promoted and delivered in an accurate and quality-assured manner, SAS Facilitators, Senior SAS Facilitators and Assistants are expected to:
- Promote the SAS Small Group Program aligned with it’s evidence-base and intended purpose as indicated in the SAS training and program materials.
- To only deliver the SAS Small Group Program when linked to a registered SAS Provider organisation.
- When delivering the program:
- to do so in its entirety (including Child Group Meetings, Parent Group Meetings/Information Sessions, Teacher Tip Sheets and assessment measures).
- to do so with a maximum of four children per trained SAS Facilitator and a maximum of six children in a group with two facilitators.
- ensuring that all families participating have access to the SAS Small Group Program software.
- only allow trained SAS Facilitators to deliver the intervention.
- Engage in consultative support to monitor and develop professional practice and effective delivery of the SAS Program.